Hmms Buddy!!
I would like to welcome you to my official website! Here you will find all the information you need to help you either track me down (come and see me!), have a listen or watch a video clip (let me hear 'im!), offer comments or suggestions (somethin' to say?), or take a look at some old photos (diggin' thru the vaults). Feel free to write your comments, ...
...and I hope to see you at one of my gigs!
Goin' out? Have a look here:
April 01 - April 30, 2025
BLACK & WHITE, 35130 Puerto Rico (Las Palmas), Spain
Fun in the warm sun!!
Check the details
Not very close to you? Well, then have a look what's next...
Come and see me!
Last but not least: On TV!
Big thank you to Jeniece Pettitt, from Bloomberg TV!
Bloomberg: The piano man who's played Davos for 17 years
Barry in a Swiss TV special about the WEF
Weekend Special WEF Davos